Stretching Tips for Musicians

Just as a professional athlete needs to stretch to keep their muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, musicians should also consider adding stretching as a part of their daily practice routine. Whether you play guitar, violin, or sing, establishing a 10 minute stretching routine may open the doors to a world of benefits.


Benefits of daily stretching may include:

  • Improvement of joint range of motion

  • Improvement in performance of physical activities

  • Decreased risk of injury

  • Increased flexibility

  • Improvement of muscle efficiency

It is a popular belief that one should stretch before starting physical activity. However, new research has shown that stretching cold muscles may actually cause damage to muscle fibers. Blood flow allows the muscle to be more pliable. Both Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical Center recommend at least 10 minutes of light activity to get muscles warmed up before stretching. Musicians can try warming up their fingers and body by practicing a few scales before starting a stretching routine.

While practicing, it is also important to focus on posture. Good posture keeps the body balanced and allows the muscles to be supported properly so not one structure is over-stressed. The body should be tall with the shoulders back, stomach in, and straight spine with the chin parallel to the floor. Good posture also promotes optimal spinal cord function and allows the brain to communicate efficiently to nerve endings.

 Here are a few stretches to try adding to your routine.

Shoulder Roll:

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms to your sides. Rotate shoulders in a forward direction making big circles and then rotate them backwards.

Cow Face:

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Reach your right arm up and bend at the elbow so your hand touches your back. Stretch your left arm down and bend at the elbow so your hand touches your back. Try to clasp your hands if it is comfortable. Hold pose for 4 breaths and gently release. Repeat steps using the opposite arm.

Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch:

Outstretch your right arm and bring it across your chest and left shoulder. Hook the left forearm over the right for support. Hold pose for 4 breaths and gently release. Repeat steps for the left arm.


Want to learn more stretching positions? Join our Yoga for Musicians Workshop at Sayla Music Academy. Instructor, Angelina Gervasi, will lead a 60 minute workshop designed especially for musicians in our outdoor courtyard! The workshop will get you started with new ideas to implement into your stretching routine. The class takes place on Saturday, September 26th, 2020, 9:30-10:30 am in Sayla’s outdoor courtyard.

Sign up today at