Sayla Community Highlight: Omid Izadi

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Interviewed and written by Elizabeth Chan

The Lodi community is filled with hard-working talent— from musicians, to artists, and scholars. Sayla is lucky to have found such talents, especially within one person. Meet Omid, a 14-year-old musician, painter, and programmer! He is currently studying piano at Sayla and has previously performed with Sayla’s youth orchestra. His passion is made evident by his avid posts on his Instagram account, with videos and photos relating to painting, art, and music. It is clear that Omid makes an impact in the Sayla community— and the person who can vouch for that statement the most is his teacher, Chase Loeb. Chase had this to say about Omid:

“Omid has been studying with me for almost a year, completely online. It has been so amazing to witness the growth, musicality, and sensitivity this student displays while learning about music. He has attempted and passed both level 4 and level 5 of the Royal Conservatory of Music program during this year and I couldn't be prouder as a teacher! Hats off to a talented student! “

Read and watch the interview below to find out what makes Omid stand out!

How old are you?

I am 14 years old.

How long have you been playing piano?

Since November 2018.

Why did you choose to play piano?

I started to play violin a few years ago, but really liked the piano and the way it sounded. My mom also liked the piano and encouraged me to take lessons.

What made you initially choose to play violin?

I liked that it was portable and I could play for my family. I also wanted to play in an orchestra, and violins are a necessary part of orchestras.

How many orchestras have you played in?

I played in the Sayla Youth Orchestra and Millswood Middle School Orchestra. I played with the Sayla youth for the Stockton Symphony event, as well!


When did you decide to start taking one on one lessons?

In 2018, I started out taking one on one lessons when I first started, but also played in ensembles shortly after that.

What is your favorite part about learning music?

It's enjoyable to play and listen to. It’s also like learning another language.

Besides music, do you speak any other languages?

I speak two languages, Persian and English.

Who are some of your favorite recording artists or bands?

I like to listen to Beethoven, Chopin, Bach, and also many movie scores.

How much do you practice each week?

On a regular day, I practice one hour for a new song and 30 minutes for a song I have already learned.

What is some practice advice that you can give to other students?

Listen to the song and play slowly with a metronome.

Do you like performing music?

Yes, because I like to show my talents to others.

What is one of your musical goals for this year?

My goal is to pass the level 7 Royal Conservatory of Music test. I want to pass level 10 in the next four years.

What do you like to do when you’re not playing music?

I love to paint, read books, play outside, 3D print, learn about programming and coding.

How long have you been painting?

Since I can remember. I have always loved art.

Are there similarities between painting and music?

I am able to express my feelings through both of them. It makes me feel calm.

What advice would you give someone who is interested in learning music?

Practice every day and enjoy the music. Use it to focus, be calm and patient.


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Elizabeth Chan