Sayla Community Highlight: Charlotte Carroll

Charlotte Highlight.png

Interviewed by Carol Ann Loeb
Written by Elizabeth Chan

As a group of music teachers, we have a very special and unique opportunity to work closely with creative, young minds. Furthermore, we get to dive in— explore the “hows” and “whys” of their inner mechanism. It is a true privilege to see art and technique blossom and grow.

As one of Charlotte’s teachers, I have the distinct honor of teaching, not only a growing young musician, but a wonderfully smart, multi-talented, impeccably well-mannered young lady. While that description may seem over-the-top, I believe that students like Charlotte are the best that Sayla has to offer.

How old are you?


How long have you been playing piano and violin?

I have been playing piano for 5 years and violin for about 4 years.

Why did you choose to play piano?

It seemed like an interesting instrument and my mom used to play.

Why did you choose to play violin?

My grandma bought me a violin for Christmas and I really liked playing it.

When did you decide to start taking one on one lessons?

I started lessons right around when I first started playing piano.

What is your favorite part about learning music?

I like being able to play the songs I have learned for my friends and family.

Have you ever played with a group ensemble or band before?

I played the violin during Fine Arts Night at school with my class.

Who are some of your favorite recording artists or bands?

I like Panic at the Disco, Billie Eilish, and Halsey

How much do you practice each week?

I practice 5 days a week, for 30 minutes, for both piano and violin.

Do you like performing music?

Yes, I like sharing songs I have learned.

What is one of your musical goals for this year?

I really want to learn songs from current artists. I practice them in my free time.

What do you like to do when you’re not playing music?

I like to draw and play games with my friends.

What advice would you give someone who is interested in learning music?

Don’t rush to get it done, take as long as you need to learn the music.

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Elizabeth Chan