A Holiday Message From Sayla's Director

Dear Sayla students and families,

I want to thank you for supporting our school through another year. We have seen many changes in the last 12 months and it is exciting that we were able to return to in-person lessons, group classes, and events! Seeing students perform at Open Mic Nights, the Grand Recital, and having our Join the Band program grow and be featured in Roc-Vemberfest 2021 were some memorable and recent highlights. We have also had the opportunity to re-instate the Sayla Community Orchestra and are happy to be offering group classes that can give opportunities to students who want to make music with others. We feel that music has a very unique ability to inspire, promote community, and bring together many different people from all walks of life. We are very grateful to be able to facilitate these activities and have a vision to create more opportunities for performances and outreach that highlight our students and enrich the community! We could not do this without our amazing teachers, and administrative staff. Furthermore, without the support of our dedicated parents, guardians, families, and students we would be in a much different situation— especially through the harsh situation that has been presented through the pandemic. I want to thank our supporters for making this music academy what it is today! I hope that music brings joy and reflection to you and your loved ones during this winter season!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Chase Loeb

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